Friday, January 30, 2009

Why I Love Southwest

A few people asked me how the flights to and from Ft. Lauderdale went. I was quite nervous about juggling the stroller, baby, carry-on and security, but it all went well. I did my best to travel light - only carrying on a diaper bag (highly recommend the Diaper Dude - very well designed). For the most part, everyone was very helpful to me, and I was so thankful. The security folks in RDU helped me fold up my stroller and put it through the X-ray machine. They had to scan the baby formula* and I'm dying to know how they did this without opening the bottle. I felt like I could breathe quite a bit easier once I got through this part.

While I was waiting for them to announce our flight, I ran into a partner from my old law firm and his wife. It was great to catch up with them, and they were both very helpful to me when we lined up to get on our flight. A Southwest employee helped me down the ramp and even folded up my stroller for me. The flight wasn't full so they told me I could bring Merritt's carseat onto the plane. Here's where it got fun:

The flight attendant who was greeting everyone offered to hold Merritt while I installed the car seat. This was great, and she had fun holding her while saying hello to all the passengers, who were probably surprised at this. When I finished installing the seat, I looked up to see the pilot of the plane now holding the baby with a big grin on his face. I heard a lot of people oohing and aahing at the baby (she had on her cutest pink sleeper and was especially happy that morning). It was so great (especially since I'd been so nervous about all of this!). The pilot said the baby wanted to be up front with them. I said "Well, her grandfather is a pilot, so maybe it runs in the family." He really didn't seem to want to hand her back, but eventually he did and I got her situated in her seat. She slept during takeoff and for most of the flight. The flight attendant came by a few times and gave us a certificate to commemorate Merritt's first flight. I fed Merritt while we landed so her ears would clear. Andrea and Sara picked us up at baggage claim in Ft. Lauderdale (where they told me the hilarious Poptart story).

The flight back was less eventful, but peaceful, since Merritt slept the entire flight home, and even for another hour after we got home. She had no idea she'd just flown to an entirely different state while she napped! Our flight back was like a private jet since there were only about 20 people aboard - not only did I have the entire row to myself, but every row around me was empty (other passengers gave us very wide berth).

I'm so glad we went to FL to visit my sister and her family - it was so worth it! We had a wonderful time!

Today we are getting ready for Doug's brother, Don, to arrive for the weekend from Atlanta. Can't wait!

*I bought pre-mixed Enfamil in ready-to-use bottles, which is the same brand we give Merritt in powdered form. I learned that it isn't exactly the same though. She had quite the stomach troubles for the rest of the day. Ugh - learned my lesson there!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Panelo visit

Here are some photos of our time this week visiting my sister, Andrea, and her two kids, Sara (age 6) and Javier (age 9), in Lake Worth, FL:

Merritt gets to meet Quick Toes, aka "Pig" aka "Piggy" aka "Mr. Toupee".

Lego Mania!

On a walk around the neighborhood:
Playing with the Pig:
On Palm Beach this morning:
Fun with cousin Sara:

Monday, January 26, 2009

Interesting Things You See On Baggage Conveyor Belts

My sister Andrea and her daughter Sara picked us up at the Ft. Lauderdale airport baggage claim this morning. While we were talking, Sara said "Mommy, remember that funny story?" Andrea turned to me and explained that one time they were picking up their luggage at baggage claim, and saw a lone Poptart riding the conveyor belt. While I was chuckling at this mental image, she said "And then we realized it was our Poptart."

If you think of this story a few hours from now, and it still makes you laugh outloud, you really share my sense of humor.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cooking Show

Merritt and I enjoy watching the Food Network during the week, and this weekend, our favorite local chef hosted a show at our house! Don't worry, I didn't leave the baby on the counter for very long!

PS - My favorite new toy is a Brother P-Touch labeler. I've been busy labeling everything and Doug is worried if he sits still too long, he's going to have one stuck to his forehead.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Stats and Shots

Today was Merritt's two month checkup. In honor of basketball season, here are the stats:

Weight: 13 lbs, 3oz (94%tile)
Length: 24.25" (96%tile)
Hat Size: 16" (90%tile)

She also got three shots. Very sad. She spent the rest of the day like this:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

This Many Days Until the Weekend!

Or maybe she's a George Bush fan?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow Day!


MLK Day Means Extra Time with Dad!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Patsakhams Bring Dinner

Chot and Katie came over on Saturday night and brought us a delicious chicken and couscous dinner, with salad, and a yummy chocolote/coconut cake! Afterwards, Katie gamely rocked our 14 pounder to sleep.

Today we went to church and since it was such a cold, gray day, we took a long nap and hung around the house. Tonight we meet up with a friend of mine from middle school (I just discovered she was in the area) and her husband at our favorite restaurant, Bocci.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Staying Warm

We needed to get out of the house last night, even if it was the coldest night of the year (below freezing). So, we bundled up the baby in her warmest outfit (Thanks Margie!) and headed to Five Guys and Barnes & Noble. Doug carried Merritt in her Baby Bjorn and she conked out pretty quickly.

A Visitor!

Anna came over to visit on Friday afternoon - what a nice surprise!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

An Important Message About Your Health

Today I took Merritt to Starbucks where we met up with a friend of mine. By the way, this is how I envisioned maternity leave - I'd get together with friends every other day or so for fun chats over lattes, or I'd read a book, sipping an americano, while holding my quietly sleeping babe. Needless to say, other than today's outing, this has not been my reality.

In any event, while I failed to photodocument Merritt's first Starbucks visit, I did manage to pick up a funny story. (Parentheticals will indicate what was actually going on in my head during this interaction.) After I ordered my coffee, the zealously friendly barista asked me if the baby needed to order any milk. I politely declined. (Dude, what are you thinking? You don't give cows milk to little babies!) Then he proceeded to caution me against ever giving my child coffee before the age of 16 because, apparently, it can cause liver damage. This health lecture went on for quite some time, as if I'd protested his warnings, or perhaps asked for further clarification. I just stood there quietly nodding my head and smiling agreeably. (Did I drink coffee before I was 16? Oh yeah, my parents let me have those International Foods coffee mixes. Yumm, Swiss Mocha...does that actually count as coffee? Probably not, but anyway, mental note made about coffee and kids not mixing. Will I have liver problems now? Don't think about that. However, I will be a responsible parent, just like this guy says, even if he's the same guy who just offered milk to my 8 week old.)

Merritt slept through her entire first Starbucks experience. Guess she could've used a mochachino.

Excuse Me While I Work on Something

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas 2008

Here are some photos from our somewhat courageous Christmas roadtrip to St. Petersburg, FL and Augusta, GA. We spent many, many hours on the road, and learned a lot about traveling with a newborn. Like, don't change a baby while she's sitting on your lap.

It was all worth it - we had beautiful weather in FL, and enjoyed being with my parents, sister Andrea, her husband Martin and their two kids, Javier and Sara. We even got to visit my grandfather, who is in his nineties, and my Aunt Judy in Orlando. Then, we drove to Augusta, and spent a week chilling out with Doug's dad, Gene and his wife, Margie. Margie's son Sean was there, as well as their friend, Ji-Hoon. Doug's brother, Donald, drove in from Atlanta, and came back after a few days to visit some more.

Here is just a sampling of photos from the trip.

This is Merritt's first trip to the beach. My sister Andrea loved holding her!

Santa made a special visit to mom and dad's house.

We opened presents outside on Christmas morning. Christmas in Florida can be awesome.

At Gene and Margie's house in Augusta, GA. That's not just my hair... there's a little dog behind my head - Margie's yorkie, named Claiborne.

Grandmo (Margie) with Merritt.

The backstory

We just had our first child, Merritt Victoria, born November 20th, 2008. We are getting used to being parents, learning to communicate with each other better and becoming an even better team. Most of our friends already have one or more children, so we're trying to gain wisdom from their years of experience. It is definitely a new world, and we are enjoying every moment. The photos above (in opposite time order) are from October/November.

My first post!

I've been a fan of blogs for awhile now, and just decided it was time we needed a blog. Not that our lives weren't interesting before, there's just extra motivation now to get news and photos out to our parents and extended family. And I definitely need to "eat crow" since for years I've said I wouldn't start a blog just because I now have children...and here I am...setting up a blog on a cold, overcast day in January while the baby naps. Maybe I just need a creative outlet while I'm on maternity leave. We'll see if I can keep it up.

In any event, welcome to our blog! I hope I can live up to the name of the blog, and only write and show what's interesting. (Note that the name isn't meant to imply that we are the best of the Betts, just wanted to write about the Best of what's going on with us.) So, I promise not to write about poopy diapers or spitup, unless of course it's a really good story*. Also, I'm just figuring out this blog thing, so bear with me.

Tune in for more!

* Like the time the baby's diaper exploded all over her and me, and she even had a tiny poop handprint on her face. Hah hah yeah.